Jurassic Domination

When two military-made, weaponized dinosaurs attack a small mountain town, it's up to the sheriff to figure out a way to stop the creatures before the ..
Starring:Jamie Bernadette, DeAngelo Davis, Kahlo De Jesus Buffington
Creators:Brian Nowak, Nicholas Prainito
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"Jurassic Domination" ... When two military-made, weaponized dinosaurs attack a small mountain town, it's up to the sheriff to figure out a way to stop the creatures before the dinos escape and wreak havoc nationwide..

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Jurassic Domination

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Jurassic Domination

Jurassic Domination

More Details

Release Date
Action, Science Fiction, Adventure
Added in
January 25, 2024
Jamie Bernadette DeAngelo Davis Kahlo De Jesus Buffington Alissa Filoramo Eric Guilmette

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